"Protecting Your Information ... Protecting the Planet"

Our mission at PLANET SHRED is to protect our clients from the possibility of
identity theft by managing their confidential records as well as protecting
the environment by recycling 100% of the end product.

Records StorageDocument Scanning
Pick-up & DeliveryTracking & Indexing

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Comprehensive Tracking for Your Stored Inventory

PLANET SHRED has invested in the latest technology to provide the best possible solution for managing your records.


Records Management Barcode Tracking  

Off-site storage saves valuable office space and keeps your confidential records secure.  Using barcode technology, our system provides consistent and accurate tracking of your box location, work order status and a description of the contents of each box.  


We can also include box destruction dates to help you track, approve and shred your documents in accordance with your record retention policy.  This provides a complete audit trail for your stored inventory, and allows for the quick retrieval of records at the time of your request. 



The PLANET SHRED system records all activity on each client box for audit trail purposes.  We continually review reports to ensure compliance, monitor service and help to control your costs.   Records Management File Indexing